Manage Your Practice The Business of Healthcare

Does Your Medical Group Have a Success Prevention Department?


If you build it, you might just chase them away.

The parking lot in front of Fry’s Electronics was massive, but even so, it seemed small in comparison to the 150,000 or so square feet of store space.

But walking in the door with a computer to be repaired, the first step in running the gauntlet of “service” was to be stopped by an unsmiling, clearly unhappy-at-work and willing to share it “customer service representative,” who interrogates you and your broken computer. Frankly, the only thing that surprised me was that I was not read my Miranda rights.

Thinking smooth sailing was ahead, I arrived at the repair service desk to be immediately greeted by a technician. However, after 45 minutes he was still unable to unlock the diagnostic kit, the key to which was apparently entrusted only to his supervisor who was nowhere to be found. Eventually, I could wait no longer and left the computer to be diagnosed, but it took the technician another 10 minutes or so to get his own printer to work to produce the necessary paperwork to be signed.

Why build a large and attractive store and then allow the entire experience to be shattered by strange procedures, uncaring employees and printers (in the service department) that don’t work?

Why build a medical group and then destroy your relationship with referring physicians, the hospital, or patients by way of a rude receptionist, a disgruntled employed physician, or even one of your fellow partners?

I’ve seen $20-$30 million per year practices destroyed as a result of this type of behavior and, frankly, lack of management and training.

Just like Fry’s should be doing, ask yourself if you’re running a success prevention department.

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