What story are you telling about your practice?
Tag: influence
What story are you telling about your practice? If you’re not telling one, or if you’re not telling it convincingly, someone else is out there telling another story about you or your group that is likely to be believed.
What story are you telling about your practice?
Patient satisfaction surveys are becoming a real part of reimbursement, driving a significant percentage of money.
Patient satisfaction surveys are becoming a real part of reimbursement, driving a significant percentage of money.
Patient satisfaction surveys are becoming a real part of reimbursement, driving a significant percentage of money. So, I’ve begun thinking about ways to hack them, of ways to put your finger on the scale of patient satisfaction. How can you influence patients’ perceptions in order to increase satisfaction? Here’s an interesting observation. I came across […]
Reminder to medical group leaders: You need to use the resources of your medical group’s members to advance the group’s strategy through everyday interactions with referral sources, hospital employees and patients.
What story are you telling about your practice? Comment or contact me if you’d like to discuss this post. Mark F. Weiss www.weisspc.com
What story are you telling about your practice?
Medical group leaders must use the resources of its medical group’s members to advance the group’s strategy through everyday interactions with referral sources, hospital employees and patients.