The “friendly physician.” Boy, is that’s a term of art or, perhaps better said, of artifice.
Tag: sale
I’m going to share a secret with you today. There’s no such thing as value. At least not in the fixed sense. In fact, value is as malleable as clay.
No matter what you think the odds are that the hospital at which you practice or office next to will survive for another 50 years, it would be wise to hedge your bet.
The first purchase price is the one that the seller receives. The second purchase price is the one that the seller pays by having sold to the wrong buyer.
The first purchase price is the one that the seller receives. The second purchase price is the one that the seller pays by having sold to the wrong buyer.
The first purchase price is the one that the seller receives. The second purchase price is the one that the seller pays by having sold to the wrong buyer.
I recently read an article about a physician who had sold his practice to a hospital. The physician was quoted as having stated that he had grown disenchanted with running the business end of his own practice, thus his agreement to “have my practice managed by” the hospital.
Ride along with Mark as he discusses the price that every seller pays.
Listen while Mark as he discusses converting a closed or failing hospital into a surgery center or other outpatient facility.
Bigger or larger or more providers or more locations do not, in and of themselves, make a stronger business.