
What’s the Downside Risk for Hospital Executives?

A physician makes a mistake, commits negligence, and what’s the result? It can be horrific. Malpractice suit. Medical staff discipline. Medical board discipline leading even to loss of licensure. Reputation destroyed. Now ask yourself what happens if a hospital executive, say the CEO of a publicly held hospital chain, commits the equivalent type of error, […]

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What’s a Medical Group Compensation Plan For?

Okay, okay. The chances are great that your first reaction after reading the title was to think, “It’s so I’ll get paid.” Now that we’re past that, let’s look a bit deeper. From the medical group perspective, a compensation plan is a part, in fact the largest part, of the practice’s system for driving behavior […]

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Impending Death of Hospitals

When the First Class Physicians Leave the Hospital, Who’ll Be Left?

I’m seeing a growing trend of dissatisfaction on the part of office practice physicians employed by, or otherwise closely aligned with, hospitals. They’re reporting a significant disparity between physicians who care/physicians with good skills/physicians who want to work, on the one hand, and the much larger majority, who have become satisfied to metaphorically punch the […]

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