A so-called expert said something like, “In the new economy, physicians need to lower their income expectations.”
Category: Paraprofessional
cry about it, the bottom line is the same: they are cutting costs by moving all cases that can be moved out of the hospital out of the hospital. Where does that leave you?
Over the ensuing 6-plus years, hospitals have continued to benefit from the expanding role of paraprofessionals and from the top level professional degree, the doctorate, that those paraprofessionals are obtaining.
His comment still sticks in my craw. The so-called expert said something like, “In the new economy, physicians need to lower their income expectations.”
I wish I could remember where I read it. But I can’t. His comment still sticks in my craw. The so-called expert said something like, “In the new economy, physicians need to lower their income expectations.” Why? To enable hospitals to hire you for less and increase their profit? So that payors can refuse to […]
The smarter you work, the more you make.
If all you reward is churning out units then don’t be surprised when anything that gets in the way of so-called productivity gets short shrift . . . or worse.
Although the Affordable Care Act requires that an insurer must give three months’ notice to subsidized healthcare exchange participants who fail to pay their share of premiums before the insurer can cancel coverage, the insurer has no obligation to pay for the participants’ care after the first month of that three month period.
Not enough physicians? State plans to expand role of paraprofessionals.
Hardly anyone even yawned when the State of California announced that it was considering expanding the scope of paraprofessional practice because there weren’t enough physicians to go around.