Contract Drafting

The “Problem” with Healthcare May Not Be the Problem

ACO’s. Competition by hospital employed physicians. Commoditization. Just a few of the “problems” that physician group leaders struggle with. But are those really the problems? Perhaps they are actually symptoms of a different problem or set of problems. For example, the problem of increasing “We” think and, especially, the problem of increasing bureaucratization and centralization […]

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Manage Your Practice | The Business of Healthcare

TSA Screeners and the Myth of Medical Group Institutionalization of Business Relationships

A congressional study compared the performance of San Francisco International (SFO) Airport’s privately contracted screeners with those of LAX’s TSA staffed screeners. SFO’s staff screened 65% more passengers per screener than the government employed TSA personnel at LAX. To make the comparison even more striking, another study revealed that TSA personnel at LAX missed three […]

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Right Sized Group

Some see the future for hospital based groups in the context of large versus small, often stating that groups need to merge to achieve significant size or simply sell out to so-called national groups.  It not clear whether “sell out” means to be acquired or is simply a colloquial expression. But large groups are like walruses […]

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