
The 83% and Concierge Care

Whether it’s the 83% reported in the press or even half of that, many physicians are questioning their career strategies in light of the Supreme Court’s upholding of the individual mandate within Obamacare. It appears certain that an increasing number of physicians will be disappointed with Obamacare and the burdensome requirements of its bureaucracy. From […]

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Competing | Philosophy | The Business of Healthcare

Why Trying to Protect Your Group’s Position Is Destroying Your Future

Over the past five, ten or twenty years, your group has worked long and hard to develop its business. You’ve become successful. But now, you see threats everywhere: threats from the hospital that wants to employ you, threats of forced ACO participation, threats of replacement by paraprofessionals, threats of competition from national groups and the […]

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Focus on the Future

Seizing Your Own Future

Almost all physician groups are mired in mediocrity. Only 3 to 4 percent are in the category of top performers, of those who have seized their own futures. Those few are the groups that I call the strategic groups. There’s a choice, an intersection – the great intersection – and you’ve come to it today. […]

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Obamacare | The Business of Healthcare

The Problem With Compensation Surveys – Why Assume That You’re Average?

Let’s assume for a moment that physician compensation surveys are statistically significant. What’s the problem with them? Well, I suppose they’re fine, that is, if you’re content with being average. OK, I can hear it now, some reader yelling that physician compensation surveys indicate more than just what’s average; they show the 70th, 80th and even […]

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Future of Healthcare

Simple Change: Complex Transformation

Many contracted medical groups, both those in the traditional hospital based specialties as well as those in office based specialties, quite improperly view themselves as providing a commodity service. They themselves do not believe that there is a qualitative difference between their group’s “Dr. A” and another group’s “Dr. B,” such that there is no strategic value from obtaining services from their group as […]

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