Psychology of Success

Happier = More Profitable

According to a British study, dairy cows given names by their farmers produced close to 4% more milk that those that were simply herded. It’s likely, of course, that naming itself was not the operative factor. Instead, it’s probably the extra attention that the dairy farm workers give to cows treated almost as pets. The […]

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Manage Your Practice | Strategy | The Business of Healthcare

Strive for Simple

Certainly, patient care within your medical specialty involves many complicated and complex issues. But that doesn’t mean that the way that your practice’s business relates to hospitals, referral sources and patients has to be complicated. And, it doesn’t mean that the way that the arrangements among your practice’s owner physicians, or between your practice entity […]

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Assessing Risk | The Business of Healthcare

Not a Smart Call

As a recent Wall Street Journal article recounts, Japanese manufacturers, once the world’s leaders in electronic goods and especially in cell phone technology, lost big in the switch to smartphones. The author attributed their fall to the manufacturers’ inward focus: They concentrated their major technological advancement on televisions and, as to the cell phone, simply […]

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