So, Obamacare passed.
While there’s a time and a place to discuss political reactions, this is neither.
Instead, my take is that we might as well see it, in true lemonade from lemons fashion, as a clarion call for hospital based physician groups to refocus (assuming you’ve ever focused at all) your stipend strategy.
In all likelihood, Obamacare will bring more patients to the hospital, patients with poorer, not richer, reimbursement attached.
Unless you’re prepared to work more, for less, you’d better start envisioning a better future than Washington has planned (and I do mean planned) for you. And you’d better develop a strategy to reach it.
Hospitals may be crying broke, but it’s impossible to run their facilities without you. Either you engage in this strategy or engage in the race to the bottom.
See, there is “choice” in Obamacare after all.