Use my concept of the Scenario Survey Process™ (read about it here) to develop potential future scenarios and then to devise a strategy that will help you not only survive, but even potentially thrive, in as many of those futures as possible.
Tag: Obamacare
Use my concept of the Scenario Survey Process to develop potential future scenarios and then to devise a strategy that will help you not only survive, but even potentially thrive, in as many of those futures as possible.
Something that is resilient isn’t the actual opposite of fragile — it isn’t made better when shaken — it’s just able to withstand being shaken.
In the book Antifragile, author Nassim Taleb points out that there’s no word that describes the opposite of fragile.
Take a seat as Mark discusses the concept of antifragility as applied to your medical group and then shares a tool to achieve it.
Ride along as Mark discusses the fact that when businesses can’t compete, they become big believers in regulation, just as in the ban on new physician-owned Medicare participating hospitals.
Corporations exist to make a profit. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a fact of life.
How long would it take to find a job?
Listen in as Mark Weiss discusses how the end of Obamacare will create a huge recruiting opportunity for medical groups.
In light of Fidel Castro’s death and the news that Venezuela is issuing new, higher-higher denominations of currency due to the triple-digit inflation that reduced the value of the country’s largest note to two U.S. cents, I’ve decided to republish an updated version of the following, popular blog post. *** Models. No, not the skinny […]