I was driving when I saw the sign, one of those large plasticized canvas ones, tacked up on the side of a small office building:
“FREE* First Chiropractic Visit”
But unlike the asterisk we’re used to seeing, the one that matches with some terms found at the bottom of an advertisement, this one just stood there. Solitary. Telling every passerby that the sign was a . . . lie. That the chiropractor was a liar. That he can’t be trusted because there’s a catch, one that you’re not even being told about.
What’s the first thing that you’re telling the people that you deal with? Not just patients but colleagues and potential deal partners?
Note that the communication needn’t be in writing or even spoken. It might just be an action or even inaction.
The chiropractor was telling me and everyone else driving by that he can’t be trusted.
Free* isn’t free.