I found an old lock in the garage. Now, what’s the combination?
Tag: partnership
We often strive to become a partner, a shareholder, a member – whatever the arrangement is to attain the golden ring, the equity position.
Partnership is, it appears, the Holy Grail that, once grasped, results in eternal professional success. But what does partnership really mean?
Letting each partner write his or her terms of partnership is not a long-term strategy for success, it’s a short-term strategy for failure.
Letting each partner write his or her terms of partnership is not a long-term strategy for success, it’s a short-term strategy for failure.
Letting each partner write his or her terms of partnership is not a long term strategy for success, it’s a short term strategy for failure.
Ride along with Mark as he shares an important lesson from a decades-old issue of a children’s magazine. It is 100% applicable to you.
This is a perfect metaphor for the false belief that there’s a strong foundation holding up the structure of your group. In reality, the truth can be much different.
You’re all set to embark on some new project or endeavor, such as expanding the scope of your medical group’s operations to the neighboring community, or even to a site hundreds of miles away.
Listen to Mark as he discusses in the real-world context of opportunistic action, “partnership” is a euphemism for “acquired” or “controlled.”