Customer Service

Flying First Class Medical Care

We’ll begin boarding in a few minutes. Although airlines have a lot to learn about customer service, they do serve as a model for pricing strategy in healthcare. You’re on your way to Cleveland. The plane seats 300-plus people and everyone will get there at the same time. Yet passengers paid remarkably different prices to […]

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Customer Service | The Business of Healthcare

Customer Service Services You

I’ve written before about the importance of customer service (see, for example, my blog posts of  September 26, 2009, and June 3, 2009, or my article Securing Customer Satisfaction). Many medical groups have trouble focusing on improving customer service, and in getting their providers to implement tactics to support the group’s customer service strategy, because […]

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Customer Service

Customer (Dis)Service

Customers — my clients generally refer to them as patients, but that doesn’t make any difference — expect service.  You might provide them with the world’s best medical care, but if you piss them off they probably won’t be back, and they will probably let others know about it.  If you piss them off before they […]

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