Usually not considered, a group can choose not to renew the contract.
Tag: regional
In many medical specialties, both hospital and office based, national groups have become significant competitors.
As healthcare entities become larger they appear as formidable competitors in the marketplace.
In many medical specialties, both hospital and office based, national groups have become significant competitors.
Ride along with Mark as he discusses the split of physician employment into two segments, one in which employed physicians will never become owners and the other in which a quick track to partnership is offered.
Hospital based medical groups are often faced with a choice upon exclusive contract renewal: The expectation or demand on the part of the hospital that the group must provide its services, perhaps even at a higher level of intensity, for lower or no stipend support.
The initial notion of a hedge fund was that its investment risk was reduced through a “hedge,” an off-setting investment.
In many medical specialties, both hospital and office based, national groups have become significant competitors.
As healthcare entities become larger they appear as formidable competitors in the marketplace.
Seasons come and seasons go and they do this in healthcare, too, where they are called trends or perhaps lean six sigma.