ACO | Hospital-Centric Healthcare

Potentially Profitable Interplay Between Exclusive Contracts and ACOs

There is a complex interplay between hospital-based group exclusive contracts and ACO-entity payment mechanisms. In addition to making certain that money flows into the group, as opposed to around it, obviously a protective move, there are significant planning opportunities in the play off between the managed care contracting provisions of exclusive contracts and the terms […]

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Hospital-Centric Healthcare | The Business of Healthcare

RFP – Really Foolish Proposition?

In several of the hospital-based specialty practice areas, there are so-called national groups that are quite active in their marketing to hospitals at large. They run large ads, conduct well-planned webinar campaigns, and even telemarket to hospital administrators. In particular, some national groups take a very sophisticated approach based around a campaign designed to convince […]

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Focus on the Future

What’s Your Story?

I’ve written previously about the power of framing – of creating context – to support your group’s position in negotiations. For example, framing negotiations around quality, not cost. Or, as an example of the same argument coming from close to the polar opposite, consider the government’s argument that accountable care organizations are all about quality, […]

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