
Healthcare Freedom of Choice: Doughnuts and Doing Time

In a Wall Street Journal piece published in last weekend’s Saturday/Sunday Nov. 11-12, 2017, edition, Ezekial Emanuel, M.D. of the University of Pennsylvania and other pursuits, wrote of the “hype of virtual medicine.” In particular, he cited studies that show that virtual medicine and high-tech health gadgets such as Fitbits accomplish nothing in regard to […]

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Putting a Limit on Your Obligation to Indemnify

I promised to indemnify you. Here’s a quarter. You might skip over indemnification provisions when negotiating a contract. You understand what they are. They’re just boilerplate, right? Wrong. First, boilerplate isn’t “extra stuff.” It’s the opposite. Like the strong metal plate around a boiler designed to contain it and prevent an explosion, boilerplate in an […]

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Group Culture

You Can Plan on This!

“No plan survives contact with the enemy,” is a famous concept credited to many, bastardized by dozens, and plagiarized by even more. That’s because it’s true. But the fragility of plans does not mean that you should forsake planning for your medical group’s or healthcare business’ future. In fact, it means just the opposite: You […]

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