Despite the fact that some states have strong prohibitions against the enforcement of non-competes, there are still ways to create agreements functioning as proxies for non-competes.
Tag: business
July 4th, Independence Day in the United States, celebrates the original 13 colonies’ declaration, in 1776, of their independence from Great Britain.
The financial impact was immediate and momentous: Neither new nor existing claims, nor payment for them, could be processed.
The financial impact was immediate and momentous: Neither new nor existing claims, nor payment for them, could be processed.
Don’t get your medical group or healthcare business lost in big data.
Barbers cut hair. Farmers farm. And, doctors practice medicine. Why?
The financial impact was immediate and momentous: Neither new nor existing claims, nor payment for them, could be processed.
Take a seat while Mark discusses how the concept of pricing your customers can be applied to pricing your patients in healthcare.
Ride along with Mark as he discusses why control might be more valuable than ownership.
If you’re a medical group leader, you must view your practice as consisting of several independent, yet coordinated, units, each of which requires a separate focus.