Hospital-Centric Healthcare

Ignoring the Perceived Bounds of Weakness

November 17, 2009

Wildebeest, travelling in a herd of 1.5 million animals, migrate annually across the Serengeti. Predators lurk. Their targets are not the strong or even the multitudes of animals pulling together with the pack. Rather, it’s the stragglers, the unfocused and the tired who become the easy pickings.

We’re animals, too, and this same relationship of predator and prey plays out daily between your hospital based group, on the one hand, and hospital administration and physicians with adverse interests, on the other.

Signal weakness or disorientation or lack of focus on business or political matters (even though you remain incredibly focused on patient care) and you become perceived as the weak link.

Strategize for your future, deploy tactics in order to achieve your goals and forcefully attack your opponents and you are perceived as too strong to mess with.

Certainly, there are limits to the acceptable bounds of aggression, but in the real world fewer groups have problems resulting from misunderstanding those limits compared with the larger number of groups that lack any understanding of the opposite limits — the bounds of weakness and the far more likely, and more devastating, result.

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