I found an old lock in the garage. Now, what’s the combination?
Tag: stark
Ride along with Mark as he discusses the more than 420% financial return to the government that’s fueling healthcare compliance investigations . . . and convictions.
The speed limit’s 70 mph. I’m not going to tell you how fast I’m going, but I’m going with the flow of traffic, which is traveling at a lot more than the speed limit. Would a defense of, “but everyone is speeding” actually work?
As always in these types of cases, which are civil actions, the settlement does not involve any admission that the allegations were true.
Under the regulations a group practice must consist of a single legal entity operating primarily for the purpose of being a physician group practice.
As always in these types of cases, which are civil actions, the settlement does not involve any admission that the allegations were true.
Under the regulations a group practice must consist of a single legal entity operating primarily for the purpose of being a physician group practice.
For example, when is a payment or a lease or some service a kickback?
Under the regulations a group practice must consist of a single legal entity operating primarily for the purpose of being a physician group practice.
As always in these types of cases, which are civil actions, the settlement does not involve any admission that the allegations were true.