
Healthcare Freedom of Choice: Doughnuts and Doing Time

In a Wall Street Journal piece published in last weekend’s Saturday/Sunday Nov. 11-12, 2017, edition, Ezekial Emanuel, M.D. of the University of Pennsylvania and other pursuits, wrote of the “hype of virtual medicine.” In particular, he cited studies that show that virtual medicine and high-tech health gadgets such as Fitbits accomplish nothing in regard to […]

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Putting a Limit on Your Obligation to Indemnify

I promised to indemnify you. Here’s a quarter. You might skip over indemnification provisions when negotiating a contract. You understand what they are. They’re just boilerplate, right? Wrong. First, boilerplate isn’t “extra stuff.” It’s the opposite. Like the strong metal plate around a boiler designed to contain it and prevent an explosion, boilerplate in an […]

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