Every new, and every existing, financial relationship with anyone or any entity with which physicians and other healthcare providers do business must be vetted or re-vetted in light of today’s enforcement reality.
Tag: harbor
Does More Financial Pressure on Hospitals Signal the Return of Questionable Medical Directorships?
There are many factors that make your practice an attractive candidate for private equity investment, but that’s not what this post focuses on.
There are many factors that make your practice an attractive candidate for private equity investment, but that’s not what this post focuses on.
It’s not quite when Harry Met Sally. As you certainly know, there’s been a flood of investor money, notably private equity money, it into many medical specialties over the last decade. Depending on what specialty you’re in, private equity investment is just beginning to ramp up. For example, I’m seeing an uptick in deals in […]
In the Wild West days of the 1980s and 90s, it wasn’t uncommon to see as many medical directors receiving stipends from a hospital as there are aspirins in a Costco-size bottle.
In the Wild West days of the 1980s and 90s, it wasn’t uncommon to see as many medical directors receiving stipends from a hospital as there are aspirins in a Costco-size bottle.
Listen in for the takeaways you must be aware of.
Today, and tomorrow, as more and more surgical procedures leave the hospital setting for ASCs and other outpatient facilities, query whether hospital administrators will revisit medical directorships with renewed fervor as they seek ties that bind.
Every new, and every existing, financial relationship with anyone or any entity with which physicians and other healthcare providers do business must be vetted or re-vetted in light of today’s enforcement reality.