In terms of thinking about the future, are practicing physicians really different from residents?
I recently gave the opening lecture in my series for residents. The first topic: The trends affecting the future of their practice.
Some in the audience paid close attention. Others didn’t. An even smaller number came up afterwards to ask in depth questions.
Later that day, I realized that the mix of those oblivious to the future, those paying close attention to it, and those willing to take action to impact it, mirrors my observation of physicians in private practice groups. (It’s the same observation I have of attorneys, shopkeepers and, I suppose if I knew any, shoemakers.)
Someone, or some faceless trend, is always impacting your future. You have no choice but to participate. The real choice boils down to whether you’re going to be a passive or an active participant.
It’s not that tomorrow never comes, it’s that tomorrow always comes.