Value is what’s important to your customer. Not to you.
Tag: hospital based
Socialism is alive and well, and I’m not simply talking about the socialistic charade of Hugo Chavez.
If you’re a medical group leader, you must view your practice as consisting of several independent, yet coordinated, units, each of which requires a separate focus.
structured your relationships with hospitals, referral sources, and other influencers. But did you pay attention to what’s going on inside your practice’s own house?
Listen to Mark as he discusses how many medical group leaders come to him for help when they’ve got a “problem” and they’re looking for a solution.
If yours is an average group, you’re doing more work for less pay.
As hospitals quicken their pace to replace physicians with paraprofessionals, physicians must brand their role in healthcare or suffer the consequences.
Responding to any RFP takes considerable time and requires significant investment. So how much should your group charge to provide its proposal?
Your group has held the exclusive contract for your specialty services, for example anesthesiology or radiology, for decades, but now the hospital is holding an RFP.
Do you know the secrets of using fear of loss as a tactic in hospital negotiations?