Psychology of Success The Business of Healthcare

I Went to a Food Fair. Can Referral Sources Find You?


I went to a food fair. You know, one of those “Taste of Fill-In-The Blank” fairs where restaurants of all sorts sell sample size versions of their food.

The whole idea for the restaurants is to get people interested in coming to their real place. They are never going to make any real money selling samples for $3.

Most of the restaurants sold their samples from booths. A few had fancy trailers with their names emblazoned on them. But the booths were really plain, like the kind at an elementary school fair that sells hot dogs or at which you lob a ping pong ball to try to get it into a fishbowl to win a goldfish. (It might not be PC to do that anymore but you are probably old enough to remember back to when it was OK to think the way you wanted to.)

Anyway, these restaurants must have paid a lot to rent space at the “Taste of” and in some cases they probably didn’t make much or any profit at the $3 price tag. But what hit me is that while the booths had the restaurants’ names on them, only a handful of them out of probably a hundred had their address. Good food? Check. Smiling faces? Check. Want to actually go to their restaurant and pay more for a whole lunch or dinner? Check. But where in heck are they located??!!

What are you doing to let people know where to find you?

You’re probably not doing doctoring at the local “Taste of” or even at a health fair, but what I mean is what are you doing so that potential new facilities or potential new referral sources or potential new patients can find out about you and where you are located? Even if you’re an employee of some hospital or large medical group, how can potential other employers find out about you?

What are you doing to advertise your fare?

Right now, it’s time for dinner. I had a really great lamb in pita sandwich at the fair. Was it a Greek restaurant stand? Or maybe it was Turkish? I know I might be able to find it. Or not. I guess I’ll just go to have pizza down the street. I know where that place is.

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