I found an old lock in the garage. Now, what’s the combination?
Tag: joint
When I was a kid, I had a Gumby. (Did you have one, too?)
When I was a kid, I had a Gumby. (Did you have one, too?)
Listen while Mark discusses a hospital’s announcement that it’s closing down its physician joint venture ASC. Was it really their decision? Or have the physician partners realized that they no longer need the hospital?
Was it really their decision? Or have the physician partners realized that they no longer need the hospital?
Earlier this year, I read a news piece on a health system in Memphis called Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare that had announced that it would be closing the joint venture ASC that it operates in concert with over one hundred physician partners.
When I was a kid, I had a Gumby. (Did you have one, too?)
Was it really their decision? Or have the physician partners realized that they no longer need the hospital?
What’s really going on? And why should you, probably not a surgeon in Sioux City, care?
I found an old lock in the garage. Now, what’s the combination?