Adopting a purely defensive position can never advance your or your medical group’s future.
Tag: focusing on the future
There’s nothing wrong with the notion of getting a little bit better each day, month or year. That is, if you discount the fact that improving the current structure of your group might keep you from getting where you really could be.
Adopting a purely defensive position can never advance your or your medical group’s future.
There’s nothing wrong with the notion of getting a little bit better each day, month or year. That is, if you discount the fact that improving the current structure of your group might keep you from getting where you really could be.
Are physicians going each day to a factory . . . a factory of a different kind?
Jim Collins wrote about putting the right people on the bus. Ride along with Mark as he talks about who’s driving it.
It was a little after 4:00 a.m. as I left my driveway. Pitch black and raining. But from the moment I merged onto U.S. 101 heading south into Los Angeles to give a grand rounds presentation, there were other cars on the road. By 5:30 a.m., as I approached the major arteries of the L.A. […]
Adopting a purely defensive position can never advance your or your medical group’s future.
Conversations help frame the shape of entire industries.
Your contract’s real term is how quickly it can be terminated.