Overly democratic or consensus style systems of medical group governance make it impossible for the group to adopt a strategic, as opposed to a tactical, outlook. For example, consider a consensus style forty-three physician orthopedic group that’s unable to come to agreement on how to respond to an important referral source’s request that they expand […]
Tag: based
Value is what’s important to your customer. Not to you.
Do you know the secrets of using fear of loss as a tactic in hospital negotiations?
I hate it when people lie to me.
“Value based billing” remains dominant in the medical industry news, chiefly from the MACRA angle.
Your group’s only as strong as the foundation upon which it rests.
Adopting a purely defensive position can never advance your or your medical group’s future.
Why hospitals are destroying themselves, and setting their CEOs up for termination, when they bring in national groups and “contract management companies.”
In keeping with our New Year’s Tradition, here’s the hack. Flip things around: What will you not do, or stop doing, next year?
All medical groups have a culture, whether or not it’s been purposefully created. It exists.