Hospital-Centric Healthcare

Hospitals Beg to Be Aligned by Physicians!

Over the past decade or so, hospitals have spent countless hundreds of millions of dollars “aligning” physicians. This so-called alignment has included acquiring physician practices, employing physicians in states without corporate practice of medicine restrictions, and, in states where hospitals can’t directly employ, employment through captive medical groups or foundations. Hospitals claim that the idea […]

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Manage Your Practice

CVS, Aetna and Your Practice

The Wall Street Journal portrays it as causing panic in the streets. I’m taking about the pending acquisition of Aetna by CVS Healthcare. It’s stoking fear of the combination of a ubiquitous retail delivery platform, CVS, with the health insurance, managed care, and huge patient database of Aetna. More traditional health insurers and large scale […]

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Impending Death of Hospitals

When the First Class Physicians Leave the Hospital, Who’ll Be Left?

I’m seeing a growing trend of dissatisfaction on the part of office practice physicians employed by, or otherwise closely aligned with, hospitals. They’re reporting a significant disparity between physicians who care/physicians with good skills/physicians who want to work, on the one hand, and the much larger majority, who have become satisfied to metaphorically punch the […]

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